MIT "Communications technology roadmap: telecommunication > computation > imaging > learning"

Qun (Vincent) Zhang
Ph.D. -
EE (major in Communications),  University of Virginia (UVa), 2001
M.S. - Solid State Physics, B.S. - Optical Electronics , Shandong University
Communications Research Laboratory @ Work


My recent research spans over communication systems, signal processing, photonics/microwave, and software engineering. I continue my research in fiber optical communications including modeling and simulation of transceivers, fiber channel, amplifiers, DSP, as well as performance evaluation and design of next generation short reach and long haul optical communciation systems. I have recently built FDTD large signal models and use them to design Silicon photonic modulators based on carrier depletion. I am currently interested in novel matter/structure-light interactions, novel devices and systems, and modeling and simulation software design automation tools for micro/nano-scale optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs), which could find numerous applications in the next generation computing, communications, sensing, and signal processing. My current activities are 1) software engineering and design automation for real-time intelligent systems, 2) microwave/Silicon photonics (SiPh) devices, and 3) new technology research for Terabits/s 4G optical communication transceivers and system design with multimode components and MIMO DSP with Machine Learning. 






Date last modified: 2021
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